Monday, February 2, 2009

High fructose corn syrup

We have all seen the new advertisements promoting high fructose corn syrup. They make us think, "hmmm sugar isn't that bad, so corn syrup isn't as bad as we thought". Another interesting bit of information found at Kitchen Table Medicine is about high fructose corn syrup. They asked Dr. Scott Olsen, "In your medical opinion, what is worse: Sugar or high fructose corn syrup? Dr. Olsen's answer, "This is a little like asking if you would rather be shot or stabbed: both are bad." The other thing that is explained, is that the body can not use it and therefore has only two choices: to convert it so it can use it for energy or store it as fat. If the body has a hard time using it, I guess it makes sense the latter would take place.

Kitchen Table Medicine

I've found a wonderful new place to get useful health information Today I learned that the ground flaxseeds I've been using are not as useful because they should be ground just before eating them. I will have to purchase and keep handy, a coffee grinder for daily grinding. I notice that dry mouth and dry eye go away when I faithfully take flaxseed and fish oil. According to Kitchen Table Medicine, 1 tablespoon of ground flax has 2 grams of fiber.