Monday, January 12, 2009

Rezyme, Liquid-Gel Digestion Enzymes

Just received Liquid-Gel Digestion Enzymes (which I believe is the replacement for Rezyme) on Saturday, January 10. I'm pretty impressed since I only ordered it on Thursday from a company in Texas. It was sent priority mail for only $6.95 to New Hampshire.

I'll try to let you know how it works out for me.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Dr. Lindsey - Digestive enzymes and Cancer

I've just become a fan of Dr. Lindsey (Duncan). I was in my local health food store, purchasing the newest diet aid - Acai and ended up coming home with a CD on Acai 100 that included an interview with Dr. Lindsey. After listening to the CD, I ended up checking out one of his websites:

If you have a chance, you might want to read some of his published articles under "Published Articles" by Dr. Lindsey. Two that I found particularly interesting are: "Digestion, Enzymes and Your Health" and "How to Fight Cancer for Life". Both articles are very interesting reading.
Digestion, enzymes and Your Health: I've been putting up with symptoms he mentions in the article for a long time (since using Chantix...hmmm what a coincidence or not). Apparently Dr. Lindsey has developed a product called "Nature's Secret Rezyme". I tried to locate it yesterday through my local health food store and they unfortunately did not have it. As soon as I can locate it, I will try it. I've been using Betaine for a long time with only some relief.

What I found very interesting in "How to Fight Cancer for Life" was that it didn't say "send in $$ for more information". It was outlined right there in the article.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Quit smoking - Woohoo!!!

November 13, 2007

Today was finally the day. I've tried to quit so many times and it never worked. I had previously tried Wellbutrin twice with no luck and adverse reactions. This time I decided to use Chantix, since I had heard good things about it.

I started taking Chantix mid-September. I knew one of the side effects was flatulence. It also caused constipation. I figured this would be temporary so it would be worth it given that I'd be quitting smoking.

By the first week of November, I was smoking only 2 cigarettes a day. (It wasn't easy, but I do think that Chantix took the edge off.) The next week, I was able to quit. By this time, I felt so terrible I can't even explain it. I was able to make it about 10 days and I stopped taking Chantix. I had become terribly depressed and was snapping at my family. I was extremely disappointed that the flatulence and constipation did not disappear after going off it.

The flatulence and constipation is still a problem. I ended up going to a homeopathic pharmacy to get some help. I was told I needed to replace stomach acid, which would mean taking Betaine with meals (you can find lots of info on Betaine on the Internet) and increasing with each meal. In hindsight I guess it makes sense that Chantix would neutralize stomach acid and that would explain why the side effects would be flatulence and constipation.

I tried Betaine and nothing so far has helped. I'm going to take it again this week and hope and pray that it will work to get my stomach to produce its own acid.

The good news is, I am still not smoking. I am not so sure that I would recommend Chantix, though. If there is any chance you can do it on your own, do it!!! and I never want to go through that H*ll again!!