Monday, January 5, 2009

Dr. Lindsey - Digestive enzymes and Cancer

I've just become a fan of Dr. Lindsey (Duncan). I was in my local health food store, purchasing the newest diet aid - Acai and ended up coming home with a CD on Acai 100 that included an interview with Dr. Lindsey. After listening to the CD, I ended up checking out one of his websites:

If you have a chance, you might want to read some of his published articles under "Published Articles" by Dr. Lindsey. Two that I found particularly interesting are: "Digestion, Enzymes and Your Health" and "How to Fight Cancer for Life". Both articles are very interesting reading.
Digestion, enzymes and Your Health: I've been putting up with symptoms he mentions in the article for a long time (since using Chantix...hmmm what a coincidence or not). Apparently Dr. Lindsey has developed a product called "Nature's Secret Rezyme". I tried to locate it yesterday through my local health food store and they unfortunately did not have it. As soon as I can locate it, I will try it. I've been using Betaine for a long time with only some relief.

What I found very interesting in "How to Fight Cancer for Life" was that it didn't say "send in $$ for more information". It was outlined right there in the article.

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