Thursday, February 4, 2010


In my opinion, one of the most important things Doctor Oz recently talked about on his show is cholesterol. Cholesterol seems to be one of the most misunderstood health issues. Thanks Doctor Oz for explaining it. He explained how there is a good side to cholesterol -- "it's how we make all the membranes of our cells and it's critical for us to function normally but it's got lots of side effects."

According to Doctor Oz, the cholesterol in food has absolutely nothing to do with the cholesterol in our bodies. He said white bread does not contain cholesterol yet when we eat it, our liver sends out more of the lousy cholesterol.

Dr. Oz said, "Lots of things you can do, exercise, some medications but the most powerful of those tools is what you eat. There's no cholesterol in white bread, is there? It's not natural, your liver doesn't know what to do with it and btw this puts on belly fat and ultimately that's the big driver of high cholesterol. It's not the cholesterol you eat. When you have too much fat around your waist you poison your liver. Remember the liver makes cholesterol? So it panics and makes more of that inflammatory, lousy cholesterol." Check out this video for the whole segment Doctor Oz.

If you think you are eating "healthy" but are still eating bread and pasta - think again!!!

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